How to Use Formitize Compliance Register

29 March, 2016

Do you find it difficult to keep up with your current workflow? Are you looking for a better system – something simple yet efficient that you and your mobile workforce can work with? Then maybe it’s time for you to start using Formitize Compliance Register.

The Compliance Register is a powerful paperless solution for any business that needs to maintain a record of activities and tasks with an integrated workflow and notification system.


The applications for the new solution are vast. Here is the workflow:

1. Job Assigned to User
Set up one-time jobs or recurring profiles.
For example: Pre-Start Checklists, Site Safety Audits, Food Safety Checklist, Morning Timesheet Login, Non-Conformance Management.

2. Job / Task Assigned
Send to either a Single User, a Group or to All Users.

3. User Receives Job / Task
Job is sent to Phone or Desktop with Notification. The Job includes the form/s required for the task.

4. Default Workflow
By default, the workflow moves from:
Assigned – Job has been allocated to user.
Accepted – User has opened task.
Complete – User has completed the task.
Overdue – The task has not been completed in time.

5. Customized Workflow
However, you can create & customize your own: Register Name, Register Column Headings, Workflow Status Names, Timing for Action Triggers, Communication Content, and Communication Recipients

6. Communications
Rule based Automated Communications can be triggered.

There are endless applications of this:

Safety Example: Each member of the team receives a notification to complete their Pre-Start Safety Checklist at 8am every weekday. If they have not completed the Checklist by 9am the status of the Task moves to Overdue and both the Supervisor and the Employee receive a notification that the task is overdue.

Food Premises Example: Management require confirmation that a Kitchen Clean is to be completed at the start of every shift at all sites. The form is auto-dispatched at the start of each shift and the activity traced. Management are auto-notified notified if any Clean is late and are able to monitor the activity via the Register page.

Non Conformance Register Example: Non-conformance identified and reported. NCR form opened in office and initial details added. Job Assigned to Inspector in the Field with form attached. Inspector completes compliance process including photos, comments and signatures. When complete, NC is closed and remains available for Management, Client or Audit staff to review.

7. The Register
The Register shows the current live Status of all activities. Tabs are auto-created to match the Status stages. The register is sequential ensuring full audit & traceability.

8. Compliance
All items are given a unique sequential number and are permanently stored for compliance and audit purposes.


Start Using the Compliance Register Today

Now that you have an idea on how to use the Formitize Compliance Register, why not give it a try? You can start your free trial today and see how this amazing paperless app fits into your existing systems and processes, thus improving your workflow. We will formitize your paperwork for you and turn them into mobile forms. Want to know more?